Past events
Conference: "Cross-border living areas : A European Integration Laboratory between Italy and France"
18 April 2024, in Rome and on lineThe morning will be dedicated to a scientific debate on the concept of "bassin de vie " Jean Peyrony, Director General of the MOT, will speak during Session 2, "What is a cross-border living area? Practices and experiences."
The afternoon will focus on exchanges and discussions on specific subjects, particularly on experiences and opportunities for implementing Italian-French cross-border cooperation.
Ambassadors Andrea Cavallari and Philippe Voiry, responsible for cross-border cooperation under Article 10 of the Quirinal Treaty, will conclude the proceedings.
Find the program and information here.
Organizers : l’ISSiRFA-CNR – Istituto di Studi sui Sistemi Regionali, le Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche et l'Université Côte d'Azur.
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