Past events
Closing conference of the project "Crossing the borders: best practices of cross-border cooperation within the Danube Region"
26 February 2015 in BudapestWithin the context of the action plan of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, a seven-membered consortium has examined the features of cross-border cooperation within the macroregion, and collected the best practices.
Final conference of the EUBORDERREGIONS project
20-21 February 2015 in Istanbul“EUBORDERREGIONS. European Regions, EU External Borders and the Immediate Neighbours. Analysing Regional Development Options through Policies and Practices of Cross-Border Co-operation" is a 4-years long FP7 research project, launched in March 2011, with the main objective to identify challenges to economic, social and territorial cohesion as well as regional development potentials in different borderlands at the EU’s external frontiers.
Forthcoming workshop in 2015: "The combined training-work experience approach is the way forward in the PAMINA area"
4 February 2015 in Festhalle Wörth (Pfalz) -
Conference "Shared Services, Shared Opportunities: New Models of Public Sector Collaboration and Partnership"
29-30 January 2015, in Enniskillen (Northern Ireland)Organised by the International Centre for Local and Regional Development (ICLRD) and the Centre for Cross Border Studies (CCBS).
Conference "eHealth in Europe: Empowering Patients and Offering Better Connected Healthcare Services"
27 January 2015 in Brussels -
Workshop „EVTZ mit deutscher Beteiligung – Erfahrungsaustausch und Perspektiven“
27 January 2015 in Berlin -
Rencontres "Communes de l’Eurométropole, quelles politiques énergétiques pour demain ?"
22 January 2015 in LilleLes partenaires faisant l’Eurométropole Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai ont formulé l’ambition d’en faire un territoire énergétiquement neutre d’ici 2050.
Strategic plan of the Aquitaine-Euskadi Euroregion EGTC
19 December 2014 in Hendaye -
Conference on the bases for cross-border policy in the area of human resources
16 December 2014 in Waregem (Belgium) -
URBACT information day
16 December 2014 in ParisOrganised by the URBACT programme and the CGET (FR).
Second cross-border conference on higher education, research and innovation in the French-Swiss Jura Arc
12 December 2014 in Neuchâtel (Switzerland) -
Conference "Cross-border and medico-social cooperation: taking stock - challenges and perspectives"
11 December 2014 in LilleOrganised by the French-Belgian Health Observatory.
Conference "Cross-border healthcare"
10 December 2014 in ParisOrganised at the Assemblée Nationale by Philip Cordery, Member of parliament for French residents in the Benelux and Chairman of the Parliamentary Group on Cross-Border Cooperation (FR), in partnership with the MOT.
Conference "Castle-talks on Cross-Border Cooperation"
8-9 December 2014 in Strasbourg -
Petit déjeuner débat - Conventions internationales pour la gestion des eaux transfrontalières : quels enjeux pour demain ?
3 décembre 2014 à ParisOrganisé par le Cercle Français de l'Eau
Interregional cooperation forum INTERREG EUROPE: "Europe, let's cooperate!"
2-3 December 2014 in Bologna (Italy) -
Conference on "Governing a multilevel Europe"
2 décembre 2014 à BruxellesOn 2 December, the Committee of the Regions will hold a conference on "Governing a multilevel Europe".
Stakeholder Conference on the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region
1-2 December 2014 in Milan (Italy)Building on the experience gained in the macro-regional strategies for the Baltic Sea Region, the Danube Region and the Adriatic and Ionian Region, and following a request from the European Council, the European Commission and the participating countries and regions are now proceeding to draw up an EU Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP).