VII Youth Forum - "Youth as the driving force of the European Union"
7-11 September 2015 in Belgrade and Novi Sad (Serbia)Organised by CESCI and AEBR
Organised by CESCI and AEBR
Innovation, éco-efficience et développement durable
En soutenant sept projets phares transfrontaliers dans l’espace du Rhin Supérieur, l’Offensive Sciences (OS) a promu la compétitivité de la Région Métropolitaine Trinationale du Rhin Supérieur (RMT) durant les trois dernières années.
Organised by Public Policy Exchange
Le Programme de coopération transfrontalière Italie - France Maritime 2014-2020 cofinancé par le Fonds Européen pour le Développement Régional (FEDER) sera officiellement présenté – après son approbation officielle par la Commission européenne – le 1er juillet 2015 à Pise.
Organised by the Euro-Institute of Kehl.
The Luxembourg Department for Spatial Planning and Development is organising, within the framework of the upcoming Council Presidency, a workshop with the title “The potential of small and medium cities in cross-border polycentric regions” on 30th June 2015 in Luxembourg-City. The workshop has the purpose of exploring the challenges and potential of small and medium cities in cross-border polycentric regions, by presenting a state of play report with a selection of case studies from across Europe and facilitating an exchange between relevant stakeholders.
Colloque de clôture du projet Interreg IV Santransfor, organisé par le GEIE Luxlorsan et l’Eurodistrict SaarMoselle.
The MOT's 2015 annual conference and general assembly took place in Chamonix on 17-18 June 2015, at the invitation of the "Conférence Transfrontalière Mont Blanc", a member of the MOT's network.
Organisé par l'Euro-Institut de Kehl
On May 28 the Committee of the Regions and the German Federal Ministry for Transport and Digital Infrastructure will organise in Brussels the workshop "The EGTC: Experiences and Expectations – Past, Present and Future".
Workshop preparing a political debate on voluntarily applicable specific legal provisions for border regions: - Overcoming borders - Strengthening cooperation - Deepening integration
Organised by TRION-climate.
Colloque de clôture du projet Interreg IV Santransfor.