Past events
Seminar "Unlocking the Potential of Mobile Health in Europe: Removing Barriers to the Empowerment of Citizens"
20 January 2016 in BrusselsOrganised by Public Policy Exchange
Symposium/Exhibition "Coding and Decoding Borders at the Dawn of 21st Century"
Appel à projet jusqu'au 15 janvier 2016L’appel à projet concerne l’exposition qui se tiendra du 13 avril au 31 mai à L’Espace Architecture La Cambre Horta sur le site Flagey de l’Université Libre de Bruxelles.
Study day on "Borders and Security"
11 December 2015 in Mons (Belgium) -
ESPON Seminar "A world without borders - Refugees, cooperation and territories"
8-9 December 2015 in LuxembourgThis Seminar is organised in cooperation with the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the EU within the framework of the ESPON 2020 Cooperation Programme.
Colloque interrégional Territoire et Santé
8 décembre 2015 à Attert (Belgique) -
Closure event for the Alcotra 2007-2013 Programme for cooperation between Italy and France
4 December 2015 at Bardonecchia (Italy) -
First Trinational Congress on climate and energy "Dialogue between the political and economic spheres in the Upper Rhine"
20 November 2015 in Liestal (Switzerland) -
AEBR Annual Conference "The Future of Cross-Border Cooperation in Europe"
12-13 November 2015 in BrusselsJoint conference of the AEBR, the Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy of the European Commission, the Committee of the Regions and the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe.
Opening conference ITEM (Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross border cooperation and Mobility, NL)
30-31 October 2015 in MaastrichtCross-border work mobility, the international provision of services and the improvement of the investment and business climate are high priorities of the European Union and within the border regions in particular. The countries of the European Union are confronted with great challenges following the increasing globalisation of the economy and the internationalisation of the current and future society. To accept these challenges, international and regional cross-border cooperation is crucial.
European seminar of the Council of Europe on democratic governance of transfrontier territories
22- October 2015 in Saint Louis (Haut-Rhin, France)Crossborder cooperation is blossoming but how many citizens are aware of it? How many of them really take part in the design of crossborder projects or are involved in their implementation? In order to take stock of initiatives that involve citizens and require their participation, the European Committee on Democracy and Governance (CDDG) organises a European seminar that will take place in the French city of Saint Louis (Upper Rhine) on 22-23 October next.
MOT-UNCDF Workshop "Cross-border cooperation and regional integration, a worldwide approach"
14 October 2015 in BrusselsThe MOT and the UNCDF are organising a workshop on 14 October (09:00-10:45) during the 2015 session of the OPEN DAYS in Brussels, entitled "Cross-border cooperation and regional integration, a worldwide approach".
ARL Forum: "Border Futures – Grenzregionen als Impulsgeber der Raumentwicklung?"
9 October 2015 in Mannheim (Germany)En allemand.
Political Conference of the European Straits Initiative
8 October 2015 in Vlora (Albania) -
Closing event of the Greater Region Interreg IVA Programme
7 October 2015 in Perl (Germany) -
International Conference "The new EU Strategy for the Alpine Region - Challenges to Implementation"
5-6 October 2015 in Hagnau am Bodensee (Germany)