Journée de « Vélo Gourmand » de l'Eurodistrict Strasbourg Ortenau
10 septembre 2017 à StrasbourgÉvénement organisé par l'Eurodistrict Strasbourg-Ortenau
Événement organisé par l'Eurodistrict Strasbourg-Ortenau
The fifth seminar of PASSAGE project will be dedicated to opportunities around links between low-carbon economy and blue economy. It is the first of 3 cross-cutting seminars aiming at defining action plans in each partner territory.
Event organized by Confrontations Europe
Cet évènement propose des outils et des moyens aux acteurs locaux pour passer de l’idée au projet. Le thème de la session de 2017 est : L'Europe des projets.
Organized by the European Commission (DG REGIO)
Forum organisé par Pôle emploi
The State of Saarland and the Free State of Saxony in cooperation with the CoR organize a whole day conference addressing the aspects of multilingualism.
Conference supported by the European Committee of the Regions (CoR)
Workshop organized by INOVA and TIS in the European Parliament
Organized by the Institute of the Borders and Discontinuities
6th Meeting of The EP Working-Group on Cross-border Cooperation
Workshop organized by the University of Strasbourg.
Organized by the European Committee of the Regions (CoR)