Webinar: "Does the Covid-19 pandemic open new possibilities for cross-border cooperation ?"
15 January 2021, onlineThis webinar was organised by the European Parliament Working-Group on Cross-border Cooperation.
This webinar was organised by the European Parliament Working-Group on Cross-border Cooperation.
Organisé par la Communauté urbaine de Dunkerque, l’ADEME, Bordeaux Métropole et le Grand Genève.
ABORNE's annual meeting is going to be about "Security and Trade in African Borderlands"
"Functional cross-border regions as engines of EU integration of the Western Balkans" Organisation: L'Association des régions frontalières européennes (ARFE) et le Central European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives (CESCI)
Organisateur : Métropole Nice Cote d’Azur
With the address given by Christian Dupessey, the MOT’s President.
Organised by the Agence d’urbanisme Brest-Bretagne (ADEUPa) and the Fédération nationale des agences d’urbanisme (FNAU).
Organised by the Grand Est Region.
[In French] Organisé par la Communauté de Communes du Briançonnais, animé par la Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière, en présence des membres de la Conférence des Hautes Vallées, et du programme ALCOTRA
It will take place in Strasbourg followed by the Doctoral seminar (18.11.2020) and the research seminar (19.11.2020) of the Frontem project (Jean Monnet network).
It will be possible to participate in both the annual conference and the General Assembly by visioconference. Topic of annual conference: The effects of the COVID 19 crisis on the cross-border cooperation between France, Spain and Andorra.
[In French] Le 12 novembre 2020, l’association Initiatives France-Europe Centrale et Orientale, IFECO (ex-Initiatives France-Hongrie, INFH) et le Service de l’Europe Centrale de Coopération Transfrontalière, CESCI, ont organisé le "sixième événement professionnel promouvant la coopération transfrontalière hungaro-roumaine", initialement lancé en 2012.
On 9-10 November 2020, the Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière (MOT) is hosting the first edition of the BORDERS FORUM. This exceptional event will take place under the patronage of Mr Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic.
NB: a workshop "Interactive Working Session IV: Communication and Networking AEBR cooperation with European institutions and other strategic partners", with the participation of Jean Peyrony, Director-general of the MOT.
Organisé par l'Ambassade de France en Hongrie et l'Institut Français de Budapest, avec leurs partenaires : le Central European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives (CESCI), la Mission Opérationnelle transfrontalière (MOT) et Initiatives France-Europe Centrale et Orientale (IFECO).
The Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (ARL) is planning an event on 22 October 2020 to exchange experiences and discuss about the "Current challenges for regional planning and urban development".
Organised by the Grand Est Region and run by the MOT and the Euro-Institut.
L’édition de cette année est organisée en coopération avec la Région Grand Est et le Département du Bas-Rhin, ainsi qu’avec le land et l’agence de l’énergie de Rhénanie-Palatinat.
The MOT will facilitate several workshops.