- 3Land: a large-scale town planning project between Basel, Huningue and Weil-am-Rhein
- An "Open Service Centre for Germany" (MOSA) for border inhabitants from the Sarre-Moselle territory
- Articulate cohesion policy, governance structures and cross-border territorial approaches
- B-solutions project - GeoConnectGR
- BioValley, cluster of life sciences and medical technologies for the economic development of the RMT
- Cross-border Public Services (CPS)
- Eucor Virtuale
- Eurozone Saarbrücken-Forbach
- Expertising Governance for Transfrontier Conurbations - "EGTC" Project
- Footbridge between Weil am Rhein and Huningue
- Franco-German-Luxemburgish cooperation on automated and connected driving
- Gardens without borders (Jardins sans limites)
- IBA Basel 2020
- INFOBEST network
- Infobest Palmrain
- Interform, European network for training and research into cross-border practices
- Interregional Council of the Chambers of Trades of the Greater Region - CICM
- Kiosk Office
- Le Ticket: a cultural passport for the SaarMoselle region
- Mosaïk: a cross-border television programme
- Museum pass for the Upper Rhine (Pass Musées du Rhin Supérieur)
- Offensive Sciences
- PAMINA Business Club
- Pamina Cross-border People´s University (Université Populaire Transfrontalière Pamina)
- People to People
- Regio-S-Bahn
- Seed4Start - Cross-border venture capital forum
- Strategic workforce planning (SWP) for the ports of Strasbourg and Kehl
- TEIN-Transfrontier Euro-Institut Network
- Three Countries Museum
- TIMIS flood
- TRION-climate
- Ulysses
- University of the Greater Region
- Welcome Center Freiburg – Upper Rhine (Welcome Center Freiburg – Oberrhein)
- WIKIAlps
- Zusamme Solar Colmar – Photovoltaic power plants cross border