
A "Micro-projects" page on the MOT's website

November 2017

A "Micro-projects" page on the MOT's website

This summer, the MOT developed a page on its website entirely devoted to small-scale cross-border projects aimed at civil society.

Micro-projects and similar initiatives encourage the inclusion of citizens in cross-border cooperation, and therefore European construction. Thanks to these initiatives, small civil society structures, which are often overlooked by national and European funding, are able to develop their ideas using a dedicated framework. These kinds of mechanisms are offered within the framework of Interreg programmes, but also by cross-border structures and France's border departments, with the latter often encouraging this type of cooperation in partnership with neighbouring territorial authorities.
The MOT analysed these tools along France's borders, with the help of the players who implement them on a daily basis. In order to promote these initiatives, it carried out a cross-sectoral analysis, including brief explorations of their historical background and development, the geographical distribution, the topics addressed, and the institutions and players involved. Factsheets summarise the main characteristics of the micro-project funds and similar mechanisms, with a dedicated map as a visual aid.

Take a look at the page on our website to find out more about small cross-border projects along France's borders!

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