
The national strategy for protected areas: what account is being taken of cross-border territories?

February 2021

The national strategy for protected areas: what account is being taken of cross-border territories?

On 12 January the French government adopted its new national strategy for protected areas up until 2030.

The strategy sets out seven goals, with goal 5 mentioning cross-border territories: “Strengthening international cooperation to halt the biodiversity loss”: “Combating the loss of biodiversity is a crucial international challenge. In this context, the French network of protected areas constitutes an essential tool to contribute to this effort, especially with respect to both regional and international cooperation, in the form of cross-border and regional cooperation initiatives around France and French Guiana, in the Caribbean, and in the Indian, Pacific, Atlantic and Southern Oceans. […] Moreover, managers of protected areas, including national parks, are very involved in networking initiatives with their counterparts, within the framework of cross-border or interregional cooperation agreements. Managers of protected areas will be supported in the development of new cooperation agreements for protected inter-areas and the strengthening of existing agreements.”

More info (in French)

Download the national strategy. (in French)



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