
French-Belgian-UK legal seminar

October 2013

French-Belgian-UK legal seminar

The seminar on legal instruments for cross-border projects organised by the MOT on 29 October 2013 in Lille (at the Nord-Pas de Calais Conseil Régional) brought together nearly 70 French, Belgian and English players involved in cross-border cooperation.

After a comparative presentation of the tools available on the French-Belgian and French-British borders given by the MOT, concrete examples were set forth in a roundtable. The presentations were given by:

  • the Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai Eurometropolis EGTC, the first body of this type in Europe, set up in 2008;
  • the West-Vlaanderen-Flandre-Dunkerque-Côte d’Opale EGTC, set up in 2009;
  • the Greater Lille Chamber of Commerce and Industry, on the Euro 3 EEIG, a cooperation structure in the area of economic development, set up in 1991;
  • the Parc Naturel Régional Scarpe Escaut which, with the Parc Naturel des Plaines de l’Escaut, forms the Hainaut Transboundary Natural Park;
  • the Pas-de-Calais Conseil Général on the partnership agreement with Kent County Council;
  • and Wallonie-Bruxelles International (Wallonia-Brussels International).

To conclude the seminar, the MOT provided some points of comparison by presenting good practices implemented on other borders and set out the outlook for 2014-2020 and the opportunities to use integrated territorial development tools (integrated territorial investment and local development).

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