
A university for Europe: Eucor – The European Campus

February 2016

A university for Europe: Eucor – The European Campus

The first European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) to be set up by an alliance of universities is located in the Upper Rhine area.

In December 2015, the Universities of Basle, Freiburg, Upper Alsace and Strasbourg, together with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, signed the documents establishing “Eucor – The European Campus”, a trinational European campus.

Thus, the universities now possess a common legal personality whilst retaining their own autonomy. Based on the Eucor alliance, established in 1989, and thus backed by a long tradition of cooperation, Eucor –The European Campus unites the potential for research and education in the Upper Rhine area. The EGTC will facilitate the implementation of even more joint measures such as joint funding applications in France, Germany and Switzerland, as well as to the European Union, and the shared recruitment of academic staff.

The project entitled “Eucor – The European Campus: Cross-Border Structures” will receive financial support from Interreg V for three years as from 2016. In the context of this project, “Eucor – the European Campus” – the first European university – intends to establish a joint structural and development plan, remove administrative barriers and create synergies in research, training, higher education and administration to serve the 15,000 researchers and teaching staff as well as the 115,000 students. The aim is to establish a place where learning and research can thrive without walls or borders and serve as a magnet for attracting the best young international researchers and students.

More info

Photo: Les présidentes et présidents des universités d’Eucor – Le Campus européen
Copyright: UHA

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