
Border cities in West Africa

June 2019

Border cities in West Africa

A report on border cities in West Africa has just been published in the OECD’s series "West Africa Papers" on the Sahel and West Africa. Made up of four papers, the "cities" collection is the fruit of systematic analysis of the role played by border cities in the regional integration process in West Africa.

Based on multidimensional mapping of 18 countries, the report analyses the local dynamics that have evolved in urban settings, the effects of distance on national cohesion, and the impact of territorial divisions at international level. The cross-border urban experiences presented here can serve as examples for other territories. The MOT contributed to the writing of this collection, notably with respect to the forthcoming issue, which deals with cross-border conurbations faced with climate change in West Africa.

More info - download the reports:
Regional Integration in Border Cities
Population and Morphology of Border Cities
Businesses and Health in Border Cities
Accessibility and Infrastructure in Border Cities

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