
Network of Cross-Border Cooperation Strategies

June 2019

Network of Cross-Border Cooperation Strategies

With the support of the MOT, Lille, Strasbourg and Nice are the three French border region metropolises that have embarked on drawing up a "Schéma de cooperation transfrontalière" (Cross-Border Cooperation Strategie, CCS), introduced by the Maptam Act* in 2014. Through its network, the MOT enables the three metropolises to share experiences and information regarding their methodologies, the obstacles encountered and the local political contexts, as well as to relay their needs to the national and European authorities.

In the case of Lille and Strasbourg, the CCS aims to reposition the cities in an institutional environment in which many cooperation structures already exist. In the case of Nice, drawing up the CCS makes it possible to lay the groundwork for a regalvanised cross-border policy. In this context, the MOT’s assistance takes different forms: for Lille and Strasbourg, it consists in supporting the urban planning agencies charged with drawing up the strategy; for Nice, the MOT itself is managing the project.

The first meeting aimed at building the network of CCSs was held on 15 May at the MOT’s offices, with representatives of the metropolises, urban planning agencies, the FNAU (French Network of Urban Planning Agencies), the General Commission for Territorial Equality and the Caisse des Dépôts, as well as a non-metropolitan territory – the Basque Country Conurbation, which also wishes to adopt a CCS with the support of the AUDAP** and the MOT. Among the decisions taken: organising a meeting with the European Commission.

Photo: Meeting on building the network of Cross-Border Cooperation Strategies.

* Act of 27 January 2014 on the modernisation of territorial public action and the affirmation of metropolises. The CCP is a strategic document intended for the territory of border region metropolises; it has no legal effect on the other side of the border.
** Agence d'Urbanisme Atlantique et Pyrénées – the Atlantic and Pyrenees Urban Planning Agency
Meeting on building the network of Cross-Border Cooperation Plans.

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