
The ALARM Project: “For security without borders”

February 2017

“A shared region and shared risks must not be faced with obstacles to the carrying out of missions by emergency services in emergency situations.”

Identifying existing risks, learning to collaborate on a daily basis in order to react more efficiently in emergency situations, and promoting a citizen-culture of civil security: such is the ambition of the ALARM project, which brings together 26 French and Belgian partners.

This “France-Wallonia-Flanders” tripartite initiative aims to develop an operational cross-border cooperation between the civil security players on either side of the France-Belgium border at the different levels (risk analysis, planning, crisis management) and on a wide spectrum of cross-border risks.

The project is structured around three axes:
- Integrated risk management, with the establishment of a networking platform
- “Day to day” operational cooperation, with the development of a cross-border plan for assessment and management of risks (STACR*) and actions towards better communication between the emergency services.
- Involvement of local government and the populations.

The project held its launch conference on 31 January 2017, and is scheduled to continue working until 2020. It is co-financed by the Interreg VA France-Belgium programme.

* In French: “Schéma transfrontalier d'analyse et de couverture des risques”

More info [FR]

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