
European Commission asked to address the issue of cross-border teleworkers


European Commission asked to address the issue of cross-border teleworkers

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) published an opinion on the taxation of cross-border teleworkers and their employers.

Among the possible solutions, it proposes that Member States should agree to tax the employee only if the number of days worked in the country of residence exceeds 96 days per calendar year. In addition, the Committee encourages the European Commission to examine the possibility of a one-stop shop, as for VAT. The EESC's aim is to make the rules on teleworking easier to follow on both sides of a border in order to encourage the development of this new way of working. More info

On the same subject, Anne Sander, MEP, Vice-President of the MOT, spoke at the Parliament in Strasbourg on September 15th 2022 to discuss the obstacles to cross-border working, proposing two ways of tackling this problem: the development of cross-border mobility and teleworking. With other MEPs, she sent a letter to several European Commissioners asking for a permanent solution at the European level on this subject. More info

MOT study

In May 2022, the MOT published an important study entitled "Impacts of cross-border teleworking: from marginal to essential", which analyses this phenomenon in depth. More info


Photo : COP Shutterstock / Jacob Lund

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