Strasbourg 2024 European Mobility Days: MOT partner of the event
May 2024"At a time of ecological and financial crisis, territories must support the development of ambitious public policies to decarbonize mobility, despite insufficient financial capacity to meet demand that is complex and costly to satisfy. How, then, can supply and demand for mobility be reconciled?"
This was the question at the heart of debates on May 16th and 17 th, 2024, during the 6th edition of the European Mobility Days in Strasbourg. This was an opportunity for experts and players in the sector to exchange views on European and international best practices for sustainable and resilient mobility.
For the first time, the MOT was a partner in this event, organized by Cerema and the CNFPT, also in partnership with the Strasbourg Eurometropolis, GART, UTP, UGE, the Strasbourg Upper Rhine Urban Planning Agency, and the European POLIS network. The MOT helped to strengthen the European and cross-border scope of the event!
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