
The MOT’s contribution to the 4D Bill

February 2021

The MOT’s contribution to the 4D Bill

In 2020, the French government put the so-called 4D Bill – on decentralisation, deconcentration, differentiation and decomplexification – on the political agenda. This is good news for cross-border territories.

The idea of increasing decentralisation and deconcentration offers them interesting possibilities given that they border countries that have a higher degree of decentralisation and deconcentration. In addition, affirming the principle of territorial differentiation should enable adaptations on a case-by-case basis for the implementation of specific projects that benefit the inhabitants and environment of the territories concerned, and more generally give greater room for manoeuvre in terms of cross-border cooperation.

In order to explore how the 4D Bill might address the needs of French border territories, and in order to draw up concrete proposals to be included in the law, in late 2020 the MOT launched a process of consultation and mobilisation of its network. This resulted in a contribution by the MOT that was submitted to the Minister for Territorial Cohesion and that set out four major principles: the need to define a “cross-border interest” inspired by the principle of subsidiarity and setting forth in a competence the cross-border actions to be taken on; the need to act at the level of functional areas, including when they are cross-border ones; the need to draw on standards in neighbouring countries, along the lines of the reflections under way in the Franco-German dialogue and at European level (the ECBM); and the importance of fostering cross-border interministerial coordination at national level. This bill, which is eagerly awaited by many territorial authorities, associations of local authorities and the MOT network, is now under consideration by the French President. If his decision is favourable, the MOT will continue its mobilisation during the legislative process.

Access the MOT's contribution.



Copyright photo : Arthimedes/Shutterstock.

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