
  • Summit meeting for the High Valleys Conference (CHAV)


    Summit meeting for the High Valleys Conference (CHAV)

    April 2023

    The representatives of the Hautes Vallées (High Valleys) territory (Maurienne, Grand Briançonnais, Pinerolese, Val di Susa e Sangone) met on March 28th at the Valfréjus mountain resort, just a few hundred metres from the French-Italian border.

  • French-Italian High Valleys: two new missions for the MOT


    French-Italian High Valleys: two new missions for the MOT

    September 2022

    The summer of 2022 marked the launch of two parallel missions for the MOT concerning the territory of the Hautes Vallées Conference (CHAV) at two different territorial levels.

  • Focus on the Franco-Italian project PROSANTE, and assistance from the MOT


    Focus on the Franco-Italian project PROSANTE, and assistance from the MOT

    April 2021

    Funded by the Interreg programme Alcotra, the "PROSANTE" project is dedicated to the creation of a cross-border healthcare network linking the hospitals in Briançon and Susa on the Franco-Italian border.


    The "High Valleys - Heart of the Alps" Integrated Territorial Plan

    May 2019

    The cross-border territory of the “High Valleys” is located in the heart of the Alps, between Savoie, Piedmont and the High Alps. It consists of 13 groups of municipalities, 147 rural mountain districts and 270,753 inhabitants spread over 6,350 km2. A cross-border strategy "The High Valleys – Smart Destination" was drawn up in order to group together the common development priorities for the coming years.

  • Parental authorisation needed for minors to leave the country?


    Parental authorisation needed for minors to leave the country?

    June 2016

    The legislation to strengthen the fight against organised crime, terrorism and the financing adopted on 26 May 2016 provides for the reintroduction in France of required authorisations for any minor leaving the country.

  • The MOT publishes a "methodological guidebook"


    The MOT publishes a "methodological guidebook"

    February 2013

    In a dynamic context of reform - redefinition of cross-border policy and decentralisation process in France, preparation of the 2014-2020 programmes at European level - the MOT has produced a methodological guidebook aimed at improving articulation between cohesion policy, governance structures and cross-border territorial approaches.

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