
  • The MOT is publishing two handbooks to encourage cross-border economic development


    The MOT is publishing two handbooks to encourage cross-border economic development

    September 2015

    Since January 2014, the MOT has been carrying out a project supported by the national technical assistance programme Europ'Act relating to the economic development of the cross-border territories along France's borders. The results of this work will be presented at the project's final conference on 30 September in Paris.

  • Presidency of the Greater Region: the editorial from Paul Magnette, Minister-President of Wallonia


    Presidency of the Greater Region: the editorial from Paul Magnette, Minister-President of Wallonia

    February 2015

    "Wallonia is a border territory par excellence: its relations with its neighbours have always played a crucial role in its development."

  • Presidency of the Greater Region: Wallonia's objectives


    Presidency of the Greater Region: Wallonia's objectives

    February 2015

    Depuis le 1er janvier 2015, la région wallonne a l’honneur et la responsabilité de présider la Grande Région, exercice assumé en étroite collaboration avec ses partenaires belges, la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles et la Communauté germanophone.

  • An Evaluation of Tax-Benefit Systems Impact on the Welfare of Frontier Workers. The Case of Luxembourg and Belgium


    An Evaluation of Tax-Benefit Systems Impact on the Welfare of Frontier Workers. The Case of Luxembourg and Belgium

    December 2014

    The thesis is about the differences in social security systems and taxes in the European Union’s context (looking at the selected country cases) and how these affect the income of individuals who reside in one country, but commute daily or weekly to another country for work, while keeping their residence place constant (called ‘frontier workers’).

  • Cross-border walk in the Greater Region


    Cross-border walk in the Greater Region

    October 2014

    Taking place on 28 September 2014 between Berus (Überherrn, Saarland) and Berviller-en-Moselle (Lorraine) as part of the annual event of the Interreg IVA Greater Region Programme and the 10th anniversary of the Interreg PIG (Public Interest Group), the cross-border walk attracted 170 persons, partner authorities and project operators accompanied by their families, from Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany and France.

  • Legal seminar on the French-German-Luxembourg border


    Legal seminar on the French-German-Luxembourg border

    October 2013

    Over 50 practitioners participated in the seminar on the legal instruments for cross-border projects organised by the MOT on 17 October 2013 in Sarreguemines and hosted by the Communauté d’Agglomération Sarreguemines Confluences (Sarreguemines Confluences Agglomeration Community).

  • The MOT publishes a "methodological guidebook"


    The MOT publishes a "methodological guidebook"

    February 2013

    In a dynamic context of reform - redefinition of cross-border policy and decentralisation process in France, preparation of the 2014-2020 programmes at European level - the MOT has produced a methodological guidebook aimed at improving articulation between cohesion policy, governance structures and cross-border territorial approaches.