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EURegionsWeek 2024 - MOT-CoR workshop: "Building strong maritime cooperation for sustainable growth in coastal and insular regions"

EURegionsWeek 2024 - MOT-CoR workshop: "Building strong maritime cooperation for sustainable growth in coastal and insular regions" 9 October 2024, in Brussels - Registration is online!

"Maritime cooperation is a prerequisite for the smart and sustainable growth of coastal and insular regions. Most seas basins are shared so governance cannot be exclusive. How can we ensure that the maritime dimension of post-27 programmes is strengthened? This session will demonstrate the role of regions in maritime planning and the importance of Interreg maritime cooperation for preservation of the marine environment and achieving sustainable blue growth."

Speakers included: Marie-Antoinette Maupertuis, President of the Corsican Assembly and Mathias Lindström, Director of the Kvarken Council EGTC.

Wed 09/10/2024, 09:30 - 11:00 CET
Code: 09PW241108
Jacques Delors building, JDE 63
To register, click here

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