Planned French-Swiss Doubs cross-border park
Countries: France , SwitzerlandSummary
The planned Doubs cross-border park is focused around the Doubs, a river that both forms the border and holds together this natural area, within which common characteristics can be found (natural, agricultural landscape, clockmaking economy, cultural elements linked to the clock-making tradition).
The Doubs cross-border park project is based on cooperation between two national entities: on one side, the Swiss regional natural park, created in 2012; and on the other side, the planned French Regional Natural Park (Parc naturel régional – PNR) headed by the syndicat mixte du Pays Horloger. The Swiss portion is smaller in area but more densely populated, with 60,000 inhabitants within 293 km2 and 16 municipalities. It includes the Neuchâtel mountains and the Franches-Montagnes plateau. The planned French PNR currently includes 51,000 inhabitants, covering 982 km2 and 91 municipalities (13 of which do not form part of the Pays Horloger region), encompassing the plateaux and valleys of the Doubs and the Dessoubre.
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